Blog Posting was never this easy....

Since the day I begin to Blogging in Blogger, I have missed many thing that I should write in my blog, because of lack of time. It is hard to find some free time to log in to Blogger and write what I want.

So I look for a solution. The solution I need was a Blog editor that can write & edit my posts offline and once Im satisfied with my post, publish it directly to my blog.

I searched Internet for tool that make my blogging easy. And found many tools that help me in different ways.

But ScribeFire is the tool I was looking for..

It perfectly match my requirements. Not only that it is also a FireFox add-on. So what else I need..

Here are some cool features of ScribeFire.

ScribeFire (previously Performancing for Firefox)

According to their site..

ScribeFire (previously Performancing for Firefox) is a full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to your blog. You can drag and drop formatted text from pages you are browsing, take notes, and post to your blog.
You can get it here

Let the images describe them self..

Blog Posting was never this easy....

Rich text editing

Write offline & Save while you write (as a note)

Image uploading options

ScribeFire is not only for Blogger. It supports other blog systems too. Such as WordPress, MovableType, Drupal, Textpattern, Roller and Meta WebBlog API.

The only bottleneck for me was uploading my local images to the blog posts. Because I had to first upload my images to my image hosting server and then paste the URL. But then I found a new firefox add-on (also a ScribeFire add-on) that helps me with image uploading.


A Flickr photo Uploader Addon for Performancing (1.3+) for Firefox. It will check the pictures in the publishing blog, upload the local ones to flickr and update the link to url of flickr.

Need I say something more??

You will only need a Flickr account, which can be easily create through

You can get this add-on here

So.. Isn't it wroth to give some credits to them?

Powered by ScribeFire.

Google Utils

Google search and GMail are the most well known services provided by Google, but they provide many more services covering most of the areas of the web, that you don't even think of.
You can find them all here.

If you are a Firefox user, there is a add-on called GUtil! that can access all these Google account services faster in one place. You can get it here.

Expect more stunning features of Google products on my future posts...

Powered by ScribeFire.

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